Clubs and Organizations

Beavers on Stage

The mission of beavers on stage and the performing arts department is to provide a creative outlet for students while serving our community and surrounding area as an ambassador group for the college. For more information, contact Misty Beck,

Block and Bridle

Block and Bridle is for students with an interest in agriculture. The objectives of the club are to promote student interest and leadership in agriculture, strengthen, improve, and promote the profession of agriculture, and scholarship among students of agriculture. For more information, contact Lori Montgomery,

Collegiate Farm Bureau

Collegiate Farm Bureau provides students the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills as future ag leaders through experiences with the county, state, and national Farm Bureau organization. Collegiate Farm Bureau helps students build networks with other student leaders, connect with others to discuss issues impacting agriculture, promote agriculture as an industry, and gain experiences with leaders and mentors in the agricultural industry. For more information, contact Lori Montgomery,

Rodeo Club

The Rodeo Club is to provide students with educational experiences and opportunities to become active leaders on campus and in the Pratt community by demonstrating leadership skills and abilities. For more information, contact Jake Ritz,

Kappa Beta Delta

The purpose of Kappa Beta Delta is to encourage and recognize scholarship and accomplishment among students of business pursuing associate degrees. To encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. For more information, contact Angie Tatro,

Phi Theta Kappa

An honor society that recognizes the academic achievement of college students and provides opportunities for its members to grow as scholars and leaders. Phi Theta Kappa offers current PCC students opportunities to develop leadership skills, serve the community, study and research a topic of interest, and interact with other students during fellowship events. These activities support the college mission and all three aspects of the college institutional aims, especially supporting student success and workforce development. For more information, contact, Dr. Jason Ratcliffe,


The purpose of the club is to encourage and support the development of interest, knowledge, and skills in STEM. This will be accomplished through regular meetings, doing fun labs/experiments, community outreach, and tutoring for students and members of the club. The club will provide an environment that is welcoming, and encouraging for students to ask and receive help as well as try new things. For more information, contact: Dr. Justin Maughan,

Peer Educators

The purpose of the group is focused at students helping students make more responsible, healthier lifestyle choices. The group, conjunction with College Health Services, promotes health and wellness topics on campus. For more information, contact Leigh Ann Hall,

Student Leadership Advisory Council

To communicate student feedback to the administration and college officials regarding college programs, services and student experiences. To seek input and provide information on student issues in collaboration with the President's Cabinet. To provide student representation for key work groups and committees as needed throughout the year. For more information, contact: Dr. Kwanna King,