The Board of Trustees is charged by Pratt Community College, to assure that the mission of the College is being fulfilled, to establish policies which will guide the faculty and staff in providing programs and services, to appoint a Chief Executive (President) to implement their policies and manage programs, and to monitor the effectiveness of all programs and services.

The members of the Board of Trustees, consisting of seven (7) members, are elected at large as prescribed by State Law KSA 71-1403. As noted in the law, Board members have authority only when acting as a Board of Trustees legally in session. No member or employee of the Board of Trustees shall have the power to act in the name of the Board outside of Board meetings unless authorized to do so by the Board. No duly elected member of the Board of Trustees shall receive compensation for any service rendered by the district. 

**Meetings are held on campus at the Riney Student Center, Room 312 at  6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Members of the Board of Trustees

Mike Koler, Chair

  • (Term expires January 2026)

Dean Fitzsimmons, Vice-Chair

  • (Term expires January 2028)

Michele Hamm, Member

  • (Term expires January 2028)

Eric Scott Killough, Member

  • (Term expires January 2026)

Mark Morgan, Member

  • (Term expires January 2028)

Suzan Patton, Member

  • (Term expires January 2026)

Ryan Lunt, Member

  • (Term expires January 2028)