1-01 - Governance |
1-02 - Governing Style |
1-03 - Code of Ethics for Trustees |
1-04 - By-Laws |
1-05 - Board Planning and Agenda |
1-06 - Standards of Good Practice |
1-07 - Disclosure of Substantial Interests by Trustees |
1-08 - Position Description for Board of Trustees |
2-01 - Mission Statement and Statement of Institutional Purpose |
2-02 - Statement of Philosophy |
2-04 - Institutional Core Values |
3-01 - General Executive Limitations |
3-02 - Budgeting |
3-03 - Treatment of Personnel |
3-04 - Compensation and Benefits |
3-05 - Financial Condition |
3-06 - Business Authorization |
3-07 - Purchasing |
3-07a - Equipment Purchasing Policy for Federal Grants |
3-07b - Micro-purchase Policy for Federal Grants |
3-08 - Communication and Counsel to the Board |
3-09 - Asset Protection |
3-10 - Alcohol Exemption Policy |
4-01 - Public Records and Providing Access Thereto |
4-02 - Affirmative Action |
4-03 - Americans with Disabilities (ADA) |
4-04 - Equal Employment Opportunity, Equal Education Opportunity |
4-05 - Freedom of Expression in the Fine and Performing Arts |
4-06 - Notice of Non-discrimination |
4-07 - Fairness in Women’s Sports Act 2023 |
4-08 - Role and Responsibility for Student Success |
4-10 - Gift Policy and Procedures |
4-11 - Trustee/Board Development and Travel Policy |
5-01 - Delegation to the President |
5-02 - Monitoring Presidential Performance |
5-03 - Senior Level Administration Residency Policy |
5-05 - Evaluation |
5-06 - Nepotism |
5-07 - Succession Plan for Presidency |
5-10 - Agreement Between Pratt Community College & Area Vocational School and Pratt Higher Education Association |
6-01 - Vision Statement |
7-01 - Scholarship Policy for Pratt County High School Senior Grant |