Monitoring executive performance is synonymous with monitoring organizational performance against Board policies on Board objectives, institutional goals and Executive Limitations. The Board will monitor performance in a manner as to have systematic assurance of policy compliance, including accomplishments of goals and objectives.

  1. The purpose of monitoring is to determine the degree to which Board policies and objectives are being fulfilled. Monitoring will be done in a way to allow the Board more time to focus on and discuss the future rather than review the past.
  2. A given policy may be monitored in one or more of three ways:
      1. A given policy may be monitored in one or more of three ways:
        1. INTERNAL REPORTS- Disclosure of compliance information to the Board from the President. Internal reports include:
          • Report Card of Key Success Indicators
          • Institutional data collection
          • Community surveys
          • Placement data
          • Assessment of student learning
          • Financial reports
          • Assessment of institutional effectiveness
          • Performance Agreement Indicators
          • Management Information System Report
        1. EXTERNAL REPORTS- Disclosure of compliance by an external auditor or other persons or entities external to the institution. External reports include:
          • Kansas Postsecondary Database Reports
          • Audit reports
          • Licensing examination results
          • Accreditation reports
          • Transfer data
    1. DIRECT BOARD INSPECTION- Discovery of compliance information by a Board member, a committee or the Board as a whole. This is an inspection of documents, activities or circumstances directed by the Board and/or conducted by an external auditor which allows a test of policy compliance.
  1. The information noted above will be considered in the Board’s formal, annual evaluation of presidential performance. Such evaluation will occur in January of each year by a method designated by the Board.
    1. The results of the annual performance evaluation shall be discussed with the president by the full Board in February.
    1. The Board shall make a consideration in February relative to the continuation or extension of the President’s employment contract and any changes thereto.

Revision Dates: 03-18-2019, 04-17-2006, 09-17-2001.

Board Policy