The following Board policy addresses the Board's role and responsibility for student success. Along with Enrollment Stability and Financial Responsibility, Student Success is one of the college’s three Institutional Aims.
- The Board of Trustees defines student success as the achievement of high quality, highly valued outcomes from the student’s total experience at PCC in terms of his/her goals and expectations.
- The Board of Trustees shall not delegate or relinquish its responsibility for assuring that all possible means – goals, strategies, processes and resources – are directed toward achieving a high degree of student success.
- Given that responsibility, the Board directs the administration to establish key performance indicators (KPI’s) in support of the Student Success Institutional Aim. Student Success related to KPI’s will have established measurements and goals. These will be presented and approved by the Board within the annual Strategic Plan document.
- The college’s Knowledge Management System provides cyclical reports provided to the Board. Several reports provide additional support measures related to the College’s overall effectiveness in term of student success. Examples include:
- Graduation and transfer rates by entering cohorts.
- Course retention rates and success.
- Retention. Fall to Fall and Fall to Spring.
- Average GPAs by department/program.
- Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, e.g., CAAP/WorkKeys scores.
- Employment rates by major or related area of study.
- Rates and success of student transfers.
- Student Satisfaction, e.g., Noel-Levitz Survey results.
- The administration will provide the Board an annual composite analysis of all Key Performance Indicators (to include those specific to Student Success) which will include findings, conclusions, recommendations for improvement and/or corrective actions where necessary.
- The Board of Trustees will be responsible for providing appropriate support for the attainment of adoptive benchmarks, standards, recommendations for improvement and/or corrective actions as needed.
Revision Dates: 02-20-2021
Board Policy