Kansas House Bill 2144 requires any student fees to be charged have a specific purpose and that purpose to be specific on the community college's website. More information about this bill can be found from the Kansas Legislature (http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2019_20/measures/hb2144/

Tuition per Credit Hour
In District Out of District Out of State International
$73 $73 $88 $116
Fees per Credit Hour
(Doesn't include course specific fees.)
In District Out of District Out of State International
$60 $60 $60 $60
Tuition and Fee
Total Per Credit Hour
In District Out of District Out of State International
$133 $133 $148 $176
Student Fee Type and Amount
(Doesn't include course specific fees.)
Student Fee
In District Out of District Out of State International
Debt Serv $2 $2 $2 $2
Student Clubs $1 $1 $1 $1
Student Rec $1 $1 $1 $1
Graduation $1 $1 $1 $1
Intramurals $1 $1 $1 $1
Academic Awards $1 $1 $1 $1
Scholarship $53 $53 $53 $53
TOTAL $60 $60 $60 $60
* Effective 24/25 Fiscal Year.

Percent of students attending each campus (site) of college

College-Campus (Site) In District Out of District Out of State International
PCC - Anthony 0% 100% 0% 0%
PCC- Attica 0% 100% 0% 0%
PCC - Coffeyville 0% 92% 8% 0%
PCC- Dodge City 17% 83% 0% 0%
PCC - Greensburg 0% 100% 0% 0%
PCC - Kingman 3% 97% 0% 0%
PCC - Macksville 5% 95% 0% 0%
PCC - Medicine Lodge 0% 100% 0% 0%
PCC - Online 13% 41% 42% 4%
PCC - Pratt 29% 39% 21% 10%
PCC - Pratt HS 98% 2% 0% 0%
PCC - Wichita 0% 100% 0% 0%
* Effective 20/21 Academic Year.
Students are often served in more than one location.  Students are counted in each percentage at each location they are served in and therefore percentages won't equal 100%.
Student Served Overall Percentages at the Community College
% of college students residing
% of college students residing out of district % of college students residing in service area
21% 79% 70%
*Reporting Period 20/21 Academic Year.
**Percent of students residing in service area also includes in-district students.

Aggregate amount of property tax revenues collected

  Property Tax Revenues Collected % Increase
FY 2017 $6,293,560 -0.84%
FY 2018 $6,367,486 1.20%
FY 2019 $6,361,523 -0.09%
FY 2020 $6,512,462 2.37%
FY 2021 $6618.58 1.6%
*The amounts above reflect what the college actually received.
Abatements, incentives, and delinquent tax payments cause this amount to be lower than what was actually levied in some cases. *These amounts are derived from documents provided to the college in November which were certified by the County Clerk.
Total Mill Levy
  % % Increase
FY 2017 39.6% 1.54%
FY 2018 39.4% -0.51%
FY 2019 39.5 0.25%
FY 2020 39.0 -1.30%
FY 2021 39.45% 1.2%
*The amounts above reflect what the college actually received.
Abatements, incentives, and delinquent tax payments cause this amount to be lower than what was actually levied in some cases. *These amounts are derived from documents provided to the college in November which were certified by the County Clerk.
Scholarships Amounts Disbursed
  Institutional Scholarship College Foundation Pell
2020 $875,085 $208,200 $1,457,640
2021 $938,287 $208,200 $1,275,526
*Reporting Period 20/21 Academic Year. Pell Grant awards are as of June 30th.
Athletic Scholarship Amounts Disbursed
  In-district In-state Out of State
2020 $19,885 $262,450 $389,557
2021 $10,451 $311,852 $265,328
*Reporting Period 20/21 Academic Year. **In-State amounts also include the in-district amounts
Non-Athletic Scholarship Amounts Disbursed
  In-district In-state Out of State
2020 $107,549    
2021 $120,512   $2,695
*Reporting Period 20/21 Academic Year. **In-State amounts also include the in-district amounts


In-District Student: A student who resides in the home county of the college and where taxes to support the college are therefore levied.
Out-of-District Student: A student who is a Kansas resident, but not a resident of the colleges home county, where taxes to support the college are levied.
Out-of-State Student: A student who is not a resident of the state of Kansas.
International Student: A student who is not a resident of the United States.