In order to provide efficient student service and receive timely payment of tuition, fees, and other charges, Pratt Community College requires students that are planning on financial aid for payment of PCC charges to have a completed FAFSA submitted to the PCC Financial Aid Office prior to August 1 using the official Federal Student Aid website at
Once the federal financial aid has been offered and accepted it will then be applied to the student’s outstanding bill; any amounts still due must have payment arrangements or paid in full by August 1st. If the student has any funds leftover after all charges have been paid, he/she will be allowed to charge for books up to the amount of the remaining funds.
Students who have not completed their scholarship agreement and other financial aid documents including the FAFSA, letter of intent and award letter by August 1 for the fall semester will be charged a $100 late processing fee.
Students without a completed FAFSA will not be allowed to charge books to their student accounts. Any refunds will be processed prior to the 60th day of classes.
All students must have all Fall Semester financial aid documentation completed by September 15. Failure to complete documentation will result in the administrative withdrawal of that student unless waived by the Vice President for Finance and Operations.
Revision Dates: 02-18-2020, 02-20-2018, 12-15-2015, 10-09-2012, 12-15-2003, 03-07-2006.
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620-672-5641 | 1-800-794-3091 (KS Only) | Fax: 620-450-2285
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“Pratt Community College does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, and national origin or disability in programs in: Agriculture, Health Sciences, Automotive Repair and Refurbishing and Welding. Pratt Community College applies an open access policy, with program admission based upon completing application course/testing prerequisites. Lack of English skills will not hinder admission and participation in CTE programs.
For inquiries regarding Pratt Community College’s nondiscrimination policies or compliances with Title II, Title IV, Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504. Contact Ashley Bertram, Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator/Section 504 Coordinator, Pratt CC, 348 NE SR61, Pratt, KS, 67124, 620-450-2139,
For further information concerning the education offerings and specific pre-requisite criteria, contact Dr. Kwanna King, Vice President of Student Services/Title IX Coordinator/Section 504 Coordinator, Pratt CC, 348 NE SR61, Pratt, KS, 67124, 620-450-2237,”