1. If utility service to any area of the College will be interrupted for routine maintenance the Facilities Director will notify the Vice President of Finance & Operations at the earliest possible time prior to the service interruption. The Vice President of Finance & Operations will coordinate with the President and the Vice Presidents to ensure any conflicts are resolved prior to work being scheduled. The work will be scheduled and E-mail will be sent out on the network to notify the campus community of the nature of the interruption and the anticipated length of time for the service interruption. Significant changes to the original schedule will be communicated by E-mail. If the interruption would effect computer operations, the calling sequence outlined in paragraph five will be utilized. Routine maintenance will be scheduled during times that will result in the least impact on the operations of the College, if at all possible.
  2. If utility service to any area of the College will be interrupted due to an emergency the Facilities Director will notify the Vice President of Finance & Operations immediately. The Vice President of Finance & Operations or designee will contact those areas directly affected by telephone or in person to provide information as to the nature of the emergency and an estimate of the duration of the interruption. Significant changes to the initial information provided will be communicated in the same manner. All other areas of the campus will be notified by E-mail.
  3. If computer service to any area of the College will be interrupted for routine maintenance the Director of Information Technology will notify the Vice President of Finance & Operations at the earliest possible time prior to the service interruption. The Vice President of Finance & Operations will coordinate with the President and the Vice Presidents to ensure any conflicts are resolved prior to work being scheduled. The work will be scheduled and E-mail will be sent out on the network to notify the campus community of the nature of the interruption and the anticipated length of time for the service interruption. Significant changes to the original schedule will be communicated by E-mail. If the interruption would effect computer operations, the calling sequence outlined in paragraph five will be utilized. Routine maintenance will be scheduled during times that will result in the least impact on the operations of the College, if at all possible.
  4. If computer service to any area of the College will be interrupted due to an emergency The Director of Information Technology will notify the Vice President of Finance &Operations immediately. The Vice President of Finance & Operations or designee will contact those areas directly affected by telephone or in person to provide information as to the nature of the emergency and an estimate of the duration of the interruption. Significant changes to the initial information provided will be communicated in the same manner. All other areas of the campus will be notified by E-mail.
  5. In any case where notification by E-mail is not possible the offices of the President, Vice Presidents, and areas directly affected will be notified by telephone or in person. Each of these areas will be responsible for notifying other areas under their responsibility of the disruption in service.

Revision Dates: 01-06-2009

Administrative Policy