A sick leave bank shall be established for employees who are eligible for sick leave under Policy #300-44.
1. Employees carrying a balance of sick leave days as of July 1 each year may contribute not less than one (1), or more than five (5), of such days to the sick leave bank. Under no circumstance may the number of days contributed exceed the employee's July 1 balance. An annual contribution is required to be eligible to request days from the bank.
2. Employees hired after May 15, will be given one opportunity to contribute one (1) day to the sick bank if at the end of two (2) full months of employment the employee has a balance of at least one day.
3. The sick leave bank is to be administered by a three to five member ad hoc committee, the chairman of which will be a designated college official.
4. In the event an employee, who has contributed to the sick leave bank in the current year, and has exhausted all their accrued sick leave, such employee may request that sick leave be granted from the sick leave bank for a catastrophic injury or illness. Upon approval, the College shall credit such person with such leave from the bank.
Revision Dates: 11-20-1995, 08-09-1991, 08-01-2004.
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