Effective today, February 22, 2022, face coverings are recommended, not required, to be worn throughout campus and in college vehicles.
A face covering and/or social distancing may be required in designated campus locations (classrooms, meeting rooms, office areas, etc.) as determined by a campus official (faculty, staff, administrator).
Please act responsibly and respectfully around others and continue to social distance while you are on the Pratt Community College campus.
The College strongly encourages everyone to get vaccinated and stay current with vaccinations as this remains our strongest defense against community transmission and spread. Vaccines are free to everyone and available locally at Wal-Mart, Dillon’s, Gatlin Pharmacy and the Pratt County Health Department.
Pratt Community College continues to manage the risk of COVID-19 and diligently operate during a global pandemic; considering and responding to local, state, and national regulations and guidelines as appropriate.
Employees, students, and campus visitors should be prepared to adapt quickly regarding changes with College services, operations, and processes as the College continues to minimize the risk of COVID-19 exposure.
In addition, the delivery mode for courses other than online courses is subject to change. The health and safety of College stakeholders are our highest priority.
The College website, social media, and prattcc.edu email serve as official modes of communication and will be used to notify students, employees and visitors of updates.
Approved by Cabinet, February 22, 2022
View the Coronavirus section of our website for the latest information..