All requests for information about a current or former employee must be referred to the Personnel Office or to that person’s immediate supervisor for response. In the case of employees filling positions at the director’s level or above, in the absence of the supervisor, any requests must be referred to the President.
Telephone requests will be limited to confirming information stated by the external party.
Requests for information must be made in writing and accompanied by a release signed by the current or former employee.
The college will provide the following information:
Data provided may also include the following information:
Any references given must be made in good faith, without malice, and the person giving the reference must have a factual basis for believing it to be true.
Responses to the requests will be made in writing and reviewed by the Personnel Office for content and accuracy. A copy of the request, the detailed response and the signed release will be placed in the individual’s personnel file.
Copyright 2006-2022 Pratt Community College - 348 NE SR 61 - Pratt KS 67124
620-672-5641 | 1-800-794-3091 (KS Only) | Fax: 620-450-2285
After Hours Service, 620-672-9800 , M-F 5-9pm, Sat/Sun 10am-4pm
Equal Employment Opportunity/Equal Education Opportunity
Employee Email
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Pratt Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or veteran status in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of Personnel, Pratt Community College, 348 NE SR 61, Pratt, Kansas 67124, 620.672.5641.