PRATT, KAN. The process of electrical distribution happens around the clock and is dependent on many separate, yet equally important, entities working together without fail.
When power is restored after a storm, the public often looks to linemen in hard hats on poles and in bucket trucks in appreciation, and that is appropriate. But there are a great number of people behind the scenes and beyond that make it all happen.
In addition to its outstanding lineman training program, Pratt Community College now offers training in 6 different support areas in Electrical Power Technology (EPT), to give students exposure to all moving parts of the industry in one program.
The EPT Support Specialist major at PCC is taught in tandem with lineman training students. They will take many of the same courses and earn the required Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). However, the Support Specialist pathway will not include strenuous climbing and will have a different lab and field experience.
While the EPT program focuses solely on lineman training, the Support Specialist (EPTSS) major offers exposure in each of the additional career paths in electrical distribution:
1. Warehouse & Stores
Maintain gear, supplies, parts and storage for maintenance and/or repair of systems for a utility company.
2. System Control
Oversee grid operations from a set of computer consoles within a control center. Communicate with field crews, general personnel, substation personnel, and other system operators within utility and with neighboring utilities.
3. Substation Technician
Overall maintenance at a substation, to inspect, maintain, and monitor all equipment, including power converters, circuit breakers, and voltage transformers.
4. Underground System Crewman
Install, maintain and repair Underground Residential Distribution (URD) systems using specialized equipment and tools. Many electrical distribution systems have been installed underground in recent years for protection from storms and aesthetic reasons.
5. Overhead System Groundman
Assist linemen with construction and maintenance of power lines, working on the ground below the lines, prepping necessary materials and tools to other workers, such as conduit and cables.
6. Customer Service
Talk to customers of utility companies about billing, outages, communicate with field crews and personnel, overall knowledge of system.
Every job in electrical distribution is of the utmost importance to keep the power on, and jobs in the power industry give employees secure, long-term employment possibilities. The EPTSS program gives a great overview, plus training in the industry to aid students in choosing a career in electrical distribution.
Pratt Community College is enrolling now for Fall 2022 in both the lineman (EPT) and Support Specialist pathways (EPTSS) in Electrical Power Technology.
Both programs offer an introduction to high-demand, high-wage job opportunities, and both qualify for the Kansas Promise Scholarship through the state and Departmental Academic Scholarships through PCC.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply! The first step in getting started is visiting our Pratt campus for a tour specific to the EPT program. Set up a campus tour today!