June 22, 2021
At the June 16 quarterly meeting of the Kansas State Board of Nursing (KSBN), Pratt Community College (PCC) Administration was notified that the conditional approval of the PCC Associate Degree Nursing Program (ADN) has been withdrawn. This means that PCC is no longer approved to teach the ADN Nursing Program effectively immediately. This action is primarily a result of PCC consistently not meeting the state required pass rates of the National Council Licensure Examination-RN (NCLEX), which states that a minimum of 75% of students taking the test must pass the NCLEX on their first attempt. PCC has fallen short of this mark in four of the last five years.
In anticipation of this possibility, PCC Administration has been in conversations with an area community college about delivering the ADN curriculum on the PCC campus. Following this decision by KSBN, these conversations will intensify in an attempt to ensure the ADN Program will continue to be offered in our area.
Incoming ADN students and internal stakeholders have been notified of the KSBN decision.
“Obviously, we are very disappointed with the decision made by the Kansas State Board of Nursing,” Pratt Community College President Dr. Michael Calvert said. “We were hoping to be allowed to teach the program one more year and then work with a community college partner to deliver the program here in Pratt. Concern over the ADN Program has been an on-going situation for several years, and the college has put forth great effort and resources in attempt to regain the quality of our ADN Program. We are disappointed that we were not successful, but we remain hopeful that a partner can be secured to teach this program starting in 2022.”
The action taken on June 16th by KSBN has no effect on the PCC Licensed Practical Nursing Program (LPN). The LPN Program has full five-year approval from KSBN with solid NCLEX outcomes, which consistently hit 90%. This action does not affect the PCC Pre-Nursing Program.