PCC Physical Science instructor Paul Primrose created a science show when his oldest was in fifth grade. He was teaching at Baylor University in West, Texas at the time.
The grand finale at the show, inspired by Primrose’s wife, was the creation of dry-ice ice cream and was met with hefty approval from this particular age group.
Primose was inspired to do another Science Show recently, with the help of fellow science faculty and students.
"Getting to rope some high school students or college students into coming along has likely been my second greatest joy; we started doing this because it was a win-win situation. My students tested new parts of the show, worked out the kinks, and used all the critical thinking needed to pull off a good show."
Primrose headed to Skyline Schools to present the show to Hannah Barilla’s fifth grade class...with a different ending.
"I am so glad that my two colleagues Jason Ghumm and Kip Chambers, along with a current PCC student Stephanie Holmes, were able to come along and meet about thirty 5th graders on the lawn in front of the skyline schools to do a quick 30-minute show. Our new finale was the implosion of a 55-gallon barrel in a novel way; to my knowledge it might be the first of its kind!"
Spring 2021 Fundamentals of Chemistry class poses with imploded barrel, May 2021.
The Spring 2021 Fundamentals of Chemistry class at PCC helped develop and test the barrel implosion demonstration, which turned out to be the show's biggest attraction. The main ingredients? Hot Hands and peroxide.
"They used Chemistry to determine the amount of heat and gas generated in the needed chemical reaction, and they helped with the practical side; cutting 60 individual “Hot Hands” packets! In closing, our first show is in the books, I think it was a hit.”
It was a big hit indeed, and it was hard to tell who had more fun. They didn’t even need the ice cream!
Skyline 5th grade class with Teacher Hannah Barilla, PCC Instructors Paul Primrose, Jason Ghumm, Kip Chambers and PCC student Stephanie Holmes. May 2021
View the video collage of the Science Show at Skyline Schools.
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