Join us for the Best Dam Tour Around!
Tour dates are ready to be scheduled!
Pratt Community College is a great place to call home, and we want to show you why. During a visit to our campus, you will have the opportunity to explore our activities and programs by meeting faculty, staff, and current students, as well as visiting the facilities where you will study, eat, live, and play.
Please let us know when you would like to visit, and we will be in touch shortly via email to confirm your visit date and time. Please fill out the form below.
If you are currently a high school student and want to get a head start on the general education courses that go along with the EPT degree, please visit College Start- College Credit for High School Students and contact
Questions? Contact
*Priority deadline for program applications is May 1. Applications received after this date will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis until the program is full. A waitlist will then be created.
EPT Tours are on Fridays, beginning at 8:30 AM
- Select tour dates are available in the afternoon at 2:00 p.m. and are listed below.
What to Expect:
- Tour campus facilities, meet with staff and faculty
- On-Campus Interview with EPT program faculty
- Receive EPT program information and application packet
- Receive EPT program admissions requirements