Instructor (Nursing)- Pratt
Barton Community College’s Nursing Program is seeking a 9-month, full-time nursing instructor at our Pratt Campus. Applicants with an Associate Degree in Nursing and willing to work toward a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Nursing are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to individuals that already have their BSN or MSN. Please contact Renae Skelton, Director of Nursing Education at (620)792-9355 or for more information. Review of completed applications begins immediately. To apply go to: Persons with a hearing or speech impairment please use the Kansas Relay Service at 1-800-766-3777 or dial 711. Position is open until filled. EEO/AA.
02/06/2023 Ad# 3090
Copyright 2006-2022 Pratt Community College - 348 NE SR 61 - Pratt KS 67124
620-672-5641 | 1-800-794-3091 (KS Only) | Fax: 620-450-2285
After Hours Service, 620-672-9800 , M-F 5-9pm, Sat/Sun 10am-4pm
Equal Employment Opportunity/Equal Education Opportunity
Employee Email
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“Pratt Community College does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, and national origin or disability in programs in: Agriculture, Health Sciences, Automotive Repair and Refurbishing and Welding. Pratt Community College applies an open access policy, with program admission based upon completing application course/testing prerequisites. Lack of English skills will not hinder admission and participation in CTE programs.
For inquiries regarding Pratt Community College’s nondiscrimination policies or compliances with Title II, Title IV, Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504. Contact Ashley Bertram, Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator/Section 504 Coordinator, Pratt CC, 348 NE SR61, Pratt, KS, 67124, 620-450-2139,
For further information concerning the education offerings and specific pre-requisite criteria, contact Dr. Kwanna King, Vice President of Student Services/Title IX Coordinator/Section 504 Coordinator, Pratt CC, 348 NE SR61, Pratt, KS, 67124, 620-450-2237,”