Article I

Board of Trustees

Section I            Number and Selection

                              The members of the Board of Trustees, consisting of seven (7) members,

                              shall be elected at large as prescribed by State Law -KSA 71-1403.

Section II          Election of Officers

                              The Trustees shall elect a chairman, a vice chairman, a secretary-clerk

                             and a treasurer as stated in the State Law.  The election of officers shall

                              be conducted annually during the first meeting in July.  No officer except

                              the chairman and vice-chairman need be a member of the Board.  KSA

                              71-201 (b) (1)

Section III        Vacancies

                              Vacancies in the Board of Trustees shall be filled by the Board by

                              appointment as stated in KSA 71-201 (b) (15). The Board shall have

                              written procedure to provide guidance in filling a vacant position.

Section IV         Power to Appoint Other Officers and Agents

The Board shall have the power to appoint such other officers and agents as the Board may deem necessary for transaction of the business of the Board.  KSA 71-201

Section V          Authority of Members

                              The Board members have authority only when acting as a Board of

                              Trustees legally in session.  No member or employee of the Board of

                              Trustees shall have power to act in the name of the Board outside of

                              Board meetings unless authorized to do so by the Board.

Section VI         Remuneration

                              No duly elected member of the Board of Trustees shall receive

                              compensation for any service rendered the district.  Expenses of Board

                              members will be reimbursed when conducting Board sanctioned

                              business on behalf of the college.

Section VII       Duties of the Board

The State Law establishing a uniform system of public community colleges prescribes the duties of the Board, but not necessarily limited to the following:

  1. Establish Board policies and procedures including by-laws, rules

and regulations of its own operation and control of the community college district. Such policies, procedures, rules and regulations should be reviewed and updated at least once every two years or more often if necessary.   In addition, the Board will periodically review administrative policies as part of its monitoring role prescribed in Board Policy No. 5-02.

  1. To select and appoint a President who shall be held responsible to

the Board for the execution of all its policies and its legislation, and for such other duties assigned to the President by the Board.  The President’s contract shall be reviewed in January; changes specified by the Board will be effective July 1.

  1. The Board shall review and pass upon the recommendations of

the president regarding the appointment or dismissal of all personnel and to fix their compensation, terms of employment and related personnel policies.

  1. To review and pass on financial matters including the budget,

expenditures for capital outlay relative to additional facilities or major repairs.

               (e)         To approve certificates of completion of courses or curriculum as recommended by the faculty and President.

(f)          Communications - all complaints directed at the college should

first be referred to the President.  In cases where satisfactory adjustment cannot be made by the President and their assistants, communications and complaints shall be referred to the Board.  The Board will, if it deems advisable, after hearing evidence submitted by the President, grant a hearing to the interested parties.  Such hearing will be held during a regular session of the Board.  It is suggested that Board members, when confronted by individuals or groups, to withhold commitment and/or opinion until they have had the benefit of hearing the issue discussed by the Board.

               (g)         To perform other duties as set forth in and authorized by KSA 71-201.

Section VIII     Bonding of Officers and/or employees

                              The treasurer, clerk and such other officers or employees as shall

                              handle money on behalf of the community college shall first

                              secure a suitable bond by a responsible bonding company.  Such

                              bond or bonds shall be paid by the college.

Article II


Each officer shall be elected by a majority of the members of the Board present and voting.  Each officer shall perform the legal duties of the office and such other functions as are designated by the Board of Trustees.

Section I            Duties and Powers

                              The duties of the Chairman of the Board:

                              (a)         To preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees.

                              (b)        To perform all duties prescribed by law and as directed by

                                             the Board.

                              (c)         To call all special meetings in accordance with Article III,

                                             Section II.

                              (d)        To be an ex-officio member of all committees.

                              (e)         To provide for the orientation of new Board members.

  1. Shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and

management usually vested in office of Chairman of a Board of Trustees.

                              The duties of the Vice-Chairman of the Board:

  1. The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall perform

the duties of the Chairman and act on their behalf in the absence of the Chairman.

  1. Vice-Chairman shall perform other duties as requested by the Board.

                              The duties of the Clerk of the Board:

  1. To keep records on all the meetings of the Board of


                              (b)        To sign all legal documents of the Board.

                              (c)         To provide for the posting of all legal notices.

                              (d)        To maintain all records of the Board for public inspection.

                              (e)         To send to each member of the Board, prior to meetings, a

                                             copy of the minutes of the preceding Board meeting.

                              (f)          To send to each member of the Board, prior to meetings, an

                                             agenda for the meeting.

                              (g)         To notify Trustees of the Board of all meetings.

                              The duties of the Treasurer:

  1. To receive, safeguard and make payments of funds as

                                             directed by the Board of Trustees.

  1. To be responsible for financial records belonging to the

Board and to maintain full and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements.

                              (c)         To report to the Board all transactions of funds as directed.

Section II          Removal of Officers and Agents

                              Any officer or agent may be removed from office for cause by a

                              vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board.

Section III        Orientation of New Board Members

                              New Board members shall undergo a program of orientation

                              during the first sixty (60) days of service. The Clerk of the Board

                              will assist the Board member in scheduling orientation activities at

                              convenient times in accordance with the Board adopted


Article III


Section I            Regular Meetings

               Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held monthly or

               as determined by the Board of Trustees.  Requests for agenda

               items are due to the Chairman ten (10) business days prior to the

               scheduled meeting.  The agenda of the meetings shall be prepared

               and presented by the President of the College after consultation

               with the Board Chairman.  No item shall be brought before the

               Board for consideration unless it appears on the agenda.  The

               agenda is to be prepared at least seven work days prior to regular


Section II          Special Meetings

                              A special meeting of the Board of Trustees may be called by the

                              Chairman of the Board or any three (3) members, by serving on

                              the other members a notice at least 24 hours before the hour of

                              the meeting.  No business shall be transacted except that for

                              which the meeting is called, except by unanimous consent.

Section III        Meetings open to the Public - Executive Meetings

                              All regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be open to the

                              public.  Executive sessions of the Board shall be held in

                              accordance with applicable Kansas Statutes.                                                       

  1. The Board will provide an opportunity in the Board

Agenda for members of the general public to voice their comments and concerns.

                              (b)        Comments by the public on actions/items

                                             being considered by the Board will be limited to ten

                                             minutes per topic upon recognition by the Board chair.  In

                                             instances where a group of individuals desire to address the

                                             Board on a single topic, the Board chairman will request

                                             that the group select a spokesperson.

  1. Comments and concerns on items not included in the agenda can be heard by the Board when invited. Discussion will be limited to ten minutes unless a majority of the Board votes to extend the time.  However, any decision related to such topics will be deferred until the next meeting.
  2. Complaints from the public that deal with Individual students and

employees will not be discussed in open meetings.  In such cases, the person making the complaint will be requested to do so in writing to the chairman of the Board.  The Board, then, may or may not choose to invite the complainant to an executive session

                              where such discussion would occur.

Section IV         Minutes

                              A record of all transactions of the Board will be set forth in the

                              minute books of the Board.  The minute books will be kept by the

                              Clerk as a permanent official record of Board action in the district

                              and will be open for inspection by the public.

Article IV


A majority of the members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the

transaction of business. A motion to approve must have four votes to be adopted.

Votes to abstain are recorded as “no”.

Article V


Section I            Standing Committees

                              Finance Committee - The Board of Trustees shall have a Finance

                              Committee consisting of two members.   The primary purpose of

                              the Committee is to monitor the overall financial condition and

                              operating results of the college.  All trustees will serve at least one

                              six-month term on the Finance Committee.

                              a.            Membership and Length of Service

Board of Trustees members will serve six-month terms. Efforts will be made to pair new board members with seasoned Board members.  A new finance committee member will be appointed every three months by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees to provide continuity.

                              b.           Committee Staff

                                             Vice-President of Finance and Operations.

                              c.            Meeting Schedule

               The finance committee will meet monthly.  Meetings will be

               scheduled during the week prior to the scheduled Board of

               Trustees meeting.

                                                            d.           Duties

  1. Review and monitor budget approved by Board of

                              Trustees and operating results on a monthly basis.


                                                                     (2)        Review monthly financial reports


                                             (3)        Review overall financial direction of the College.  


                                             (4)        Review potential revenue generation and

                                                            expenditure reductions.


                                             (5)        Review matters relating to finance department.


                                                                           (6)        Review Board and Presidential travel.                                                                         

Section II          Special Committees

                              Ad Hoc Committees are appointed as necessary.  A special

                              committee shall report recommendations to the Board for

                              appropriate action.  A special committee shall be dissolved when

                              its report is complete and accepted by the Board.

Article VI

Amendment to the By-Laws

Two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership of the Board of Trustees shall be necessary to

amend these By-Laws, provided written notice is given to each Trustee thirty (30) days

in advance and it is discussed at one meeting of the Board prior to the meeting at

which time it is voted upon.

Article VII

Rules of Order

All business of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent

edition of Roberts Rules of Order Revised, unless otherwise waived by a two-thirds

(2/3) majority vote of the Board.

Article VIII

Payment of Funds

All warrant checks for payment of funds shall bear the signature of the president and vice president for finance and operations/treasurer or alternates as attested by the Clerk or alternate as provided in K.S.A. 10-803 and 10-805.

Revision Dates: 02-20-2023, 02-20-2021,09-18-2006, 10-20-2003.


Board Policy
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