The President, as executive officer and purchasing agent for the Board of Trustees, is charged with the responsibility of approving, refusing to grant, or adjusting all requisitions made by staff members.

Supplies and equipment should be purchased locally if possible. Consideration should be given to price, quality, availability, and service after sale (if applicable) in making the purchase decision.

When price quotes are taken on purchases under $5,000, quotes will be obtained from local vendors if they offer the item to be purchased. Where a local vendor does not have the lowest price quote and the local price quote is not more than 7.5% above the lowest price quote, the College will accept the price quote from the local vendor. Unless there is just cause for other action, such as quality, availability and/or service after the sale, the low price quote will be accepted.

Purchases of $5,000 or more require written or electronically submitted bids as specified under purchase requirements listed below. Pratt County vendors will have the opportunity to bid if they offer the item to be purchased. Where a local vendor does not have the lowest price quote and the local price quote is not more than 7.5% above the lowest quote, the College will accept the price quote from the local vendor. Unless there is just cause for other action, such as quality, availability, and/and or service after sale, the low bid will be accepted.

Purchases are made according to the following regulations:
1. Expenditures less than $35,000 can be approved by the President in accordance with the approved budget. The President will compare prices when feasible to insure best price and value for the College.
2. Expenditures greater than $35,000 require Board action.
3. Items costing less than $5,000: competitive price quotes are secured.
4. Purchases exceeding $5,000 require a minimum of three written or electronically submitted bids.
5. Purchases exceeding $35,000 require a minimum of three sealed bids.
6. Purchases of services exceeding $35,000 must be let to a bonded vendor. The bonding requirement must be part of the bid specifications.

If three bids are not received, the President shall decide whether to accept one of the bids or to seek new bids. When competitive written, electronically submitted, or sealed bids are taken, a day preceding a Board meeting may be designated by the Administration for receiving and opening bids. All bidders and the public are invited for the bid openings. The President's office or designee is authorized to open bids at such times and tabulate results, which will be available for public examination. All bid purchases must be reported to the Board at its regular meetings.

Sole Source Purchases: Sole source purchases, i.e., purchases not subject to bids, are authorized for the following instances:
1.To assure compatibility with existing equipment or technology
2.When the goods or services are being purchased from a vendor authorized as having a “protected sales territory”.
3.If a purchase or service is an emergency that is time critical and could result in a work stoppage or a critical health/safety situation.
4.Equipment or technology purchased directly from a manufacturer.
5.Grant specified vendor.

The President is authorized to determine if a purchase or repair is an emergency. If an emergency exists, purchases can exceed the above limits provided the Board Chair, or in their absence, the Vice Chair, approves. The Board will be asked to ratify such action at the next regular Board meeting. Approval authority in these instances is limited to $35,000.

The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Revision Dates: 08-26-2024, 03-20-2017, 11-15-2010, 04-30-2007, 01-22-2007, 02-19-1996,

Board Policy