- The Pratt Community College (PCC) Board of Trustees recognizes that board education, advocacy before local/state/national legislators and government officials, fundraising, and support of PCC and community colleges in general are very important parts of the Board’s role and responsibilities. Furthermore, the PCC Board recognizes that there are legitimate reimbursable expenses associated with effectively discharging their responsibilities. Board members shall be reimbursed for travel expenses to include transportation, lodging, and meals, seminar/conference fees, and other reasonable expenses. Mileage will be paid at the prevailing college rate for use of personal vehicle. Travel by plane or other public transportation will not exceed coach fare. If a trustee chooses to travel by personal vehicle, reimbursement for all expenses, i.e. mileage, meals, tolls and parking will not exceed the cost of the airfare.
- The PCC Board strongly encourages its members to actively pursue and take advantage of opportunities for board education beyond the borders of Pratt County. Board education involves orientation to trustee responsibilities, college finances and local, state and national issues and trends affecting community colleges. Trustees are expected to utilize the resources of the Kansas Association of Community College Trustees (KACCT) and the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT); attendance at association conferences and meetings and KBOR meetings is strongly encouraged as a means of becoming a more qualified trustee. The Board will assure that sufficient funds are budgeted for members to attend at least one state and/or national conference/meetings annually that furthers this objective.
- The PCC Board strongly encourages its members to participate in efforts aimed at benefiting PCC, and community colleges in general, at state and national levels. Such encouragement also extends to advocacy activities at the state and national levels with legislators, governmental officials, national organizations, businesses and influential people when the college may benefit from that advocacy. The Board recognizes that such activity is not without expense, and therefore authorizes reimbursement for reasonable and legitimate expenses associated with these activities.
- The PCC Board also encourages its members to actively participate in fundraising activities sponsored by Pratt Community College and/or Pratt
Community College Foundation, or other fundraising activities, which may benefit Pratt Community College. The Board authorizes reimbursement for reasonable expenses associated with fundraising activities.
- The PCC Board recognizes that Board members may incur other legitimate expenses in pursuing the continued maintenance, growth, and development of Pratt Community College such as academic events, athletic events, awards ceremonies, and other such activities. The Board may authorize reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by Board members engaged in such activities, and for other activities not specifically addressed here, which may benefit Pratt Community College.
- Board members’ expenses associated with the activities described herein will be reviewed monthly by the Board’s Finance Committee and noted in the minutes of that committee which shall appear as part of the agenda for monthly Board meetings.
Revision Dates: 05-15-2023, 11-21-2005.
Board Policy