Pratt CC welcomed 15 area high schools and approximately 600 students to campus for the annual Academic Olympics event on February 26. Students compete against other schools academically by taking tests, performing a task or submitting entries for judging in multiple categories. Subjects include Math, Science, English, Animal Science, Ag Mechanics, Art, Creative Writing, Vocal Solos and Duets and many others.
The overall winners are as follows:
Division I (40-90 participants)
- Pratt High School - 1st Place
- Trinity Catholic High School - 2nd Place
- Skyline High School - 3rd Place
Division II (1-40 participants)
- Conway Springs High School - 1st Place
- Pretty Prairie High School - 2nd Place
- Stafford High School - 3rd Place
Top 3 Winners of each category
Congratulations to all the winners!!
A new event this year was the Egg Drop Contest. Students built egg protection containers in advance and were scored on whether their egg survived both a 12 foot drop and a 24 foot drop in the Dennis Lesh Sports Arena.
The Popsicle Bridge Contest was continued for students this year, having the teams create a bridge with popsicle sticks on site. The bridges were then stress tested to see how much weight they could take before breaking.
The PCC Automotive Technology shop included a car show, displaying many vehicles and had students complete a tool Identification exercise.
Students received free snack and drink tickets for use at the Beaver Bites cafe and many schools stay and eat lunch in the campus dining hall with Great Western Dining before departing. Students could were also able to enter the hourly PCC swag drawings with the admissions team.
It’s always a big day with so many students on campus. A big thanks to PCC Communications instructor Heather Wilson for heading the event. It also takes contributions from many departments, faculty and staff to make this event successful.