FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Fall Semester 2023 Enrollment Announced
October 4, 2023
On September 27, 2023, the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) released enrollment data for the state’s universities and community colleges. The press release is available at https://www.kansasregents.org/about/news-releases/2023-news-releases/864-board-of-regents-announces-2023-fall-semester-enrollment.
Enrollment data shows an increase in student enrollment across the state’s public higher education system. The public university, community college and technical college sectors all saw growth in headcount and full-time equivalent enrollment as noted in the KBOR press release. Overall, the system has experienced a 2.0 percent increase in enrollment as of the 20th day fall census compared to the prior year.
“We are encouraged to see enrollment growth across our system this year,” said KBOR President and CEO Blake Flanders. “With initiatives such as increased student financial aid, a common general education package, and growing opportunities for students to participate in applied learning and internships, our system has made important strides to increase affordability, access and success and begin to reverse a long trend of declining enrollment. We look forward to continuing this work and serving Kansas families and businesses.”
Across the six state universities, there was an increase of 1,467 students (1.7 percent), and Washburn University grew by 243 students. Community colleges experienced an increase of 643 students (1.1 percent), while technical colleges saw an increase of 871 students (8.6 percent).
The full report of preliminary fall enrollment summaries for Kansas universities, community colleges and technical colleges is available at https://submission.kansasregents.org/public/ibi-redirect.jsp. Full Time equivalency is calculated by dividing the total number of undergraduate credit hours taken in a semester by 15. The nine-member Kansas Board of Regents is the governing board of the state's six universities and the statewide coordinating board for the 32 public higher education institutions (six state universities, one municipal university, nineteen community colleges, and six technical colleges).
Pratt Community College (PCC) reported the following Fall 2023 enrollment data on September 13, the College's official 20th Day of Fall reporting. Comparison figures for Fall 2022's official reporting day are also noted.
- Headcount of 1,153, a -4% decrease from Fall 2022 of 1,202
- FTE of 875, a 1% increase from Fall 2022 of 864
- Credit hour production of 13,124, a 1% increase from Fall 2022 of 12,955
The Summer 2023 semester ended for PCC in August with a 16% increase in credit hour production over Summer 2022. This follow's PCC's largest enrollment, since 2018-2019, of 26,474 credit hours in 2022-2023, a 7.2% increase over the previous year. During 2022-2023, PCC's unduplicated headcount was 1,703.
"This is amazing work as PCC's enrollment was up 8% last fall. We are very pleased with these results. Early indications are that we have more full time students on campus and less part time high school students taking classes. Residence hall occupancy rates are 97% for the fall, which is outstanding." stated President Dr. Mike Calvert.
Kansas Association of Community Colleges Executive Director Heather Morgan recently shared that Kansas community colleges are serving over 120,000 students while providing the workforce training Kansas businesses need in the least expensive and quickest method possible to allow our students to enter the workforce and earn family sustaining wages. Morgan further stated that Kansas community colleges strive every day to evolve and adapt to the needs of the next generation of workforce while ensuring every Kansan who desires to up-skill or seek traditional education has access to the education/training they need to be successful.
The mission of PCC is maximum student learning, individual and workforce development, high quality instruction and service, and community enrichment. A two-year public, comprehensive community college and an area technical school, PCC is located in Pratt, Kansas. For more information visit https://prattcc.edu/ or call 620-672-5641.