Pratt Community College (PCC) adds value in numerous ways. The institution plays a vital role in enhancing students' employability and helping them reach their potential. PCC generates new revenue and opportunities for Pratt County by attracting students to the region. The college equips students with the education, training, and skills necessary for rewarding and successful careers. Additionally, PCC is a hub for students to forge new connections, boost their self-confidence, and enhance their overall health and wellness. PCC significantly influences both the lives of its students and the regional economy. It supports a wide range of industries within the Pratt region, serves local businesses, and contributes to the overall societal benefits in Kansas through economic expansion and improved quality of life. The advantages proposed by PPCC also extend to state and local governments through increased tax revenues and savings in the public sector. This report evaluates the economic impacts of PCC on Pratt County, alongside the benefits generated for key stakeholders—students, taxpayers, and society based on their investments. All findings are based on employee, student, and financial data collected by the college for the fiscal year 2023-2024. The impacts on the Pratt County economy are detailed in the economic impact analysis, measured by added income. Meanwhile, the returns on investments for students, taxpayers, and society in Kansas are outlined in the investment analysis.
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