November 04, 2024
Date: October 21, 2024
Location: Riney Student Center RM 312 6:00pm
Pratt Community College Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting on October 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the Riney Student Center, Room 312. Board Chair, Mike Koler, called the meeting to order.
The Board Members present were Mike Koler, Chair; Dean Fitzsimmons, Vice-Chair; Michele Hamm, Ed Barrett; Eric Scott Killough; Mark Morgan; and Suzan Patton. Two guests from Barton Community College Nursing, Dr. Kathy Kottas and Renae Skelton, were present.
Awards of Excellence: Dr. Calvert recognized two student-athletes, Natalie Martinez who were recognized as KJCCC's, Div. 1 Setter of the Week, and Rylie Hallman, Div. 1 Defensive Player of the Week.
Barton Community College Nursing staff gave an update on the partnership between Barton CC and Pratt CC. The RN agreement is in the third year of a three-year agreement, while the LPN program is in its second year of a three-year agreement. The colleges meet every semester for continued open discussions. In 2023-2024, both the RN and LPN first time pass rates on the NCLEX state board exams are at a 100% pass rate. The 5-year average for Barton RN pass rate is 92.4%, while the National Average is 84.9%. The 5-year average for Barton LPN pass rate is 99.36%, while the National Average is 83.74%.
A report on Residence Hall occupancy rate was provided. Currently the residence halls are at 87.8% capacity, which is 302 out of 344 beds.
The Kansas Board of Regents released its fall enrollment report, which is done on the 20th day of the semester annually. Pratt CC's headcount was up 14.7% over one year ago and up 11.9% over the five-year change. With these numbers on the rise, Pratt surpassed pre-COVID enrollment.
The US Department of Education recognized Pratt Community College as one of the top 100 Community Colleges in the Nation through the departments Postsecondary Success Recognition Program “Raise the Bar”.
Additional Business discussion the minutes were approved. Several purchases were made via Board Policy 3-07, Sole-source purchasing. Board Member Patton moved to ratify the purchases, and Board Member Fitzsimmons seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. Policy Numbers 1-01, 5-01, 5-06 were read and reviewed. Board Member Hamm moved to ratify the without a second reading, and Board member Fitzsimmons seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. Finally, faculty stated they had started pre-enrollment for Spring, an athletic report was given, and a recap of our Outstanding Alumni of the Year, Scott Megaffin, was discussed.
No executive sessions were held.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.
Media Contact:
Renee Elpers
Director of Marketing, Communications and Public Relations
About Pratt Community College
As an institution of higher education, the mission of Pratt Community College compels us to seek maximum student learning through quality instruction and service. To ensure the college is continually striving to comply with this mission, the faculty is working to establish general education competencies to be assessed in various courses.
Pratt Community College is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of any characteristic protected by law in admission, recruitment, treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Pratt Community College hires only U.S. citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Personnel, Pratt Community College, 348 NE SR 61, Pratt, KS 67124, 620-450-2139, Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator.