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Are you interested in attending Pratt Community College but have some questions? Feel free to call 620-450-2217.
In these tough economic times, what is the cost savings of attending PCC in comparison to state universities? Check out the Cost Sheet to see.
If you have taken the ACT, please ensure that the results are sent to the Admissions Office. If not, you may arrange testing through the college by visiting the Student Success Center, Office 55 or by calling 620-450-2156.
Click Apply Online to start the admissions process today. You will receive a letter confirming your acceptance. If this is not received within 14 days of your application date, please contact the Admissions Office at 620-450-2217.
Submit official copies of your high school transcript and/or transcripts from any college previously attended by visiting the following page: Request for Transcript.
Fill out a Scholarship Application to be eligible for both departmental as well as activity/athletic scholarships.
Download the Housing Contract provide the requested information, and mail it to Residence Life, 348 NE SR 61, Pratt, Kansas 67124. Please ensure that all information is complete and accurate and that your immunization record is included. Please contact or 620-450-2120 for assistance with housing and residence life.
Plan to attend Beaver Building Day. These are special pre-enrollment sessions held during spring and summer for incoming students. Register and find dates here.
Click here to visit the virtual tour of campus from your computer or smartphone
It is important as a prospective student to fill out a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Your parents will need to utilize their income tax returns for the previous year (usually available after January 1 of your senior year) to fill out the online application. If you have questions, contact the Financial Aid Department at or call 620-450-2247.